This is a service to repair/reset your airbag control module. After a vehicle has been in an accident, the airbag module needs to be reset (cleared of hard crash codes like B1193 and B1231) in order for the SRS/Airbag System to function properly again.
Your module will be reset and shipped back to you within 1-2 days of us receiving it.
All SRS Modules can be reset,
except if they have been damaged in a flood,
fire or any other rare electrical malfunction.
- Aviator --- 2003+
- Edge --- 2007+
- Escape --- 2005+
- Expedition --- 2005+
- Explorer --- 2003+
- E150 --- 2009+
- E250 --- 2008+
- E350 --- 2008+
- E450 --- 2008+
- F150 --- 2009+
- F250 --- 2008+
- F350 --- 2008+
- F450 --- 2008+
- Five Hundred --- 2005
- Focus --- 2004+
- Freestar --- 2005+
- Fusion --- 2007+
- Mustang --- 2005+
- Ranger --- 2007+
- Taurus --- 2007+
- Transit --- 2010+
- (If a Ford Model that you have is not listed above, please contact us to check if it is compatible)
We Guarantee that we will:
Erase all Hard Crash Codes that are stored during an accident.
We do not guarantee that your light will go away
If your light is on upon installation of the module then you may have other faults such as a blown seat-belt (just because it is working doesn't mean that it isn't internally blown). To determine why the light is on you will need to get it properly diagnosed with a good scanner capable of reading and erasing SRS fault codes.
(we are not responsible for any diagnostic charges)
Money Back Guarantee terms
If for some reason there are still crash codes stored on the module after our reset. We will issue you a full refund as long as you provide a diagnostic report with the crash codes.
(we are not responsible for any diagnostic charges)
- What we offer is a reset service, not a part. We do not offer modules for sale.
- You are responsible to package your module in such a way that it will not be damaged. We will be returning your module in the same package.
- Very rarely, there may be modules we cannot reset. In this case, we will mail it back to you and you will receive a full refund.
- If there is a problem with your module once you receive it back, ALWAYS contact us first prior to leaving feedback! We will work hard to resolve any problem.
- The maximum reversal for any purchase or "order" you're placing with us, is equal to the total cost paid to us – Automotive Circuit Solutions. You understand and agree not to pursue any legal action, or personal demand, or any claims of any kind that is greater than the cost you paid to us for the services. We are not responsible for any missing property pertaining to the original contents shipped to us. Including bolts, nuts, screws, wiring harness, plugs, and etc.
Part #'s
This is just for reference, we are not limited to these part numbers.
2T1T 14B321 AB, 4W73-14B321-AA, 8C24-14B321-AH, 2N1A 14B056 AC, 7T43-14B321-BJ, 5L84 14B321 AD, 94AG 14B056 BA, 2L1A-14B321-AH, 2C5A-14B321-AG, 4L3A-14B321-AH, 2S6T 14B056 BN, 5G13-14B321-CB, 8A83-14B321-BG, 285 001 960, 5F23-14B321-AC, 2S6T 14B056 BN, 1J0 909 603 A, G2BT-14B321-HA, 3S5T 14B056 AA, 8V4T 14B321 AD, 4R33-14B321-AG, 1S7T 14B056 BE, 97FG 14B056 DD, 7L54-14B321-AE, 4M5T 14B056 AE, 5F13-14B321-AB, 2T1T 14B321 AB, 3M5T 14B056 BF, 4W73-14B321-BA, 9C24-14B321-BJ, 2N1A 14B056 AD, 8T43-14B321-BD, 5L84 14B321 BE, 95AG 14B056 CB, 2L1A-14B321-DL, 2L2A-14B321-EF, 5L34-14B321-AA, 2S6T 14B056 BP, 5G13-14B321-DB, 9A83-14B321-BA, 2M5T 14B056 AB, 5F23-14B321-BC, 2S6T 14B056 EN, 1J0 909 603 AA, 3S5T 14B056 AB, 8V4T 14B321 AE, 4R33-14B321-BG, 1S7T 14B056 BG, L1TT-14B321-AB, 8L54-14B321-AA, 6M2T 14B056 AD, 8F93-14B321-BC, 2T1T 14B321 AC, 3M5T 14B056 BG, 5W73-14B321-AB, 9E53-14B321-EK, 2N1A 14B056 BB, 8T43-14B321-BD, 5L84 14B321 DE, 95AG 14B056 CD, 5L14-14B321-CC, 4L24-14B321-AC, 5L34-14B321-AC, 2S6T 14B056 EK, 6G13-14B321-AA, 9A83-14B321-BB, 2M5T 14B056 AD, 6F23-14B321-AB, 2S6T 14B056 EP, 6M2T 14B056 AC, 3S5T 14B056 CB, 8V4T 14B321 AF, 6R33-14B321-AB, 3S7T 14B056 AB, 9L54-14B321-AA, 6M2T 14B056 AE, 8F93-14B321-BD, 2T1T 14B321 BC, 4M5T 14B056 AB, 5W73-14B321-EA, BC24-14B321-AB, 77960-TGG-A030-M2, 8T43-14B321-BE, 5L84-14B321-BD, 97AG 14B056 DA, 5L14-14B321-DA, 4L24-14B321-BC, 6L34-14B321-BA, 2S6T 14B056 EN, 6G13-14B321-BB, AA83-14B321-AE, 2M5T 14B056 AD, 6F93 14B321 AA, 4M5T 14B056 AD, 6M2T 14B056 AD, 51800461, 8V4T 14B321 AG, 6R33-14B321-BB, 4S7T 14B056 AA, 9L84-14B321-AA, AM2T 14B321 AC, 8G13-14B321-AD, 6C1T 14B056 AD, 4M5T 14B056 AD, 5W73-14B321-EB, BC24-14B321-AC, AB39-14B321-CJ, 9T43-14B321-BA, 5M64 14B321 EC, 97AG 14B056 DB, 6L14-14B321-AB, 5L2A-14B321-CA, 8C34-14B321-AB, 2S6T 14B056 EP, 7G13-14B321-BA, AA83-14B321-AF, 2M5T 14B056 BD, 7F53 14B321 BA, 5S6T 14B056 JA, 6M2T 14B056 AE, 51805046, 9V4T 14B321 AA, 7R33-14B321-AA, 4S7T 14B056 AB, AB39-14B321-AB, BM2T 14B321 AB, 8G13-14C098-AE, 6C1T 14B056 AE, 4M5T 14B056 AE, 5W73-14B321-FB, BC24-14B321-AD, CN15-14B321-AC, 9T43-14B321-BB, 6L84 14B321 DC, ED8T-14B321-AE, 7L14-14B321-DE, 6L24-14B321-AF, 8C34-14B321-AG, 5S6T 14B056 HA, 7G13-14B321-FA, BA83-14B321-AB, 2M5T 14B056 BE, 7F93 14B321 AA, 6E53 14B321 AG, 6N0 909 603 K, 51889814, 9V4T 14B321 AB, 7R33-14B321-BB, 4S7T 14B056 AC, AB39-14B321-AE, BM2T 14B321 AC, AG13-14B321-AD, 9T1T 14B321 AC, 8M5T 14B321 AF, 5W73-14B321-FC, BC24-14B321-BB, CN15-14B321-AE, BB5T-14C028-AD, 6M64 14B321 GB, ED8T-14B321-BE, 7L14-14B321-FC, 6L24-14B321-GA, 8C34-14B321-AF, 5S6T 14B056 JA, BA83-14B321-AC, 2M5T 14B056 BR, 6E53 14B321 AH, BM2T 14B321 AB, 51889815, 9V4T 14B321 AC, 7R33-14B321-CB, 4S7T 14B056 AD, AB39-14b321-AF, BM2T 14B321 AC, BG13-14B321-AB, 9T1T 14B321 AD, 8M5T 14B321 AG, BC24-14B321-BC, CN15-14B321-BA, BT43-14B321-AF, 6M64 14B321 HD, 8L14-14B321-FB, 6L24-14B321-HA, 9C34-14B321-AA, 6S65 14B056 EP, CT43-14C028-AA, 2M5T 14B056 DD, 6E53 14B321 BH, BM2T 14B321 AC, 51925901, 9V4T 14B321 AF, 8R33-14B321-AA, 6F23-14B321-BC, AB39-14B321-AG, BM5T 14B321 CE, BG13-14B321-AC, 9T1T 14B321 AE, 9M5T 14B321 AA, CN15-14B321-AC, CN15-14B321-BB, CT43-14B321-AC, 8L84 14B321 AG, 8L14-14B321-FC, 7L24-14B321-CA, 9C34-14B321-AC, 6S65 14B056 JA, DA83-14B321-AE, 2M5T 14B056 DE, 6E53 14B321 BJ, E1GT 14B321 BD, 51925902, 9V4T 14B321 AG, 8R33-14B321-BA, 7S7T 14B056 AC, AB39-14B321-AH, J1GT-14B321-AB, DG13-14B321-AD, 9T1T 14B321 AF, AM5T 14B321 AE, CN15-14B321-BC, CN15-14B321-BD, CT43-14C028-AB, 8L84 14B321 AH, 9L14-14B321-FB, 7L24-14B321-DA, 9L34-14B321-DK, 6S6T 14B056 BP, DA83-14B321-AF, 4M5T 14B056 AD, 6S6T 14B056 KA, E1GT 14B321 BE, 51976525, CV4T 14B321 CF, AR33-14B321-AF, 7S7T 14B056 AD, AB39-14B321-AJ, J1GT-14B321-AC, DG13-14B321-AF, 9T1T 14B321 BC, AM5T 14B321 AF, CN15-14B321-BD, CN15-14B321-BE, DT43-14B321-AC, 8L84 14B321 AJ, 9L24-14B321-DB, 8L24-14B321-DB, 9L34-14B321-DL, 6S6T 14B056 EK, 4M5T 14B056 BA, 6S6T 14B056 LA, E1GT 14B321 BF, 51976526, CV4T 14B321 CG, AR33-14B321-BF, 8M5T 14B321 BD, AB39-14B321-BC, DG13-14B321-AG, 9T1T 14B321 BD, AM5T 14B321 AG, CN15-14B321-BF, CN15-14B321-CA, E1GT 14B321 BD, 8L84 14B321 AK,AL14-14B321-GB ,9L24-14B321-DB, 9L34-14B321-EK, 6S6T 14B056 KB, 4M5T 14B056 BD, 6S6T 14B056 LC, F2GT 14B321 BD, 52027192, CV4T 14B321 CH, AR33-14B321-CA, 97BG 14B056 DD, AB39-14B321-BE, DG13-14B321-AH, 9T1T 14B321 BE, AM5T 14B321 BE, CN15-14B321-CE, CN15-14B321-CB, E1GT 14B321 BE, 8L84 14B321 AK, BL14-14B321-AA, BB4T-14B321-AH, AL34-14b321-DC, 6S6T 14B056 KC, 4M5T 14B056 BJ, 7E53 14B321 AB, H2GT 14B321 AA, E3B5-14B321-AD, DV4T 14B321 DG, AR33-14B321-CB, 97BP 14B056 AAF, AB39-14B321-BF, DG13-14B321-AJ, BK2T-14B321-AC, AM5T 14B321 BF, CN15-14B321-CF, CN15-14B321-CC, E1GT 14B321 BF, 8M64 14B321 CF, BL14-14B321-AB, BB5T-14B321-AF, AL34-14B321-EC, 6S6T 14B056 LA, 4MT5 14B056 BF, 7E53 14B321 BB, G1B5-14B321-AB, DV4T 14B321 DH, AR33-14B321-DB, 97BP 14B056 AAG, AB39-14B321-BG,EG13-14B321-AA,BK2T-14B321-AE, AM5T 14B321 BG, CN15-14B321-CD, F2GT 14B321 AC, 8M64 14B321 CH, FL1T-14B321-AC, BB5T-14B321-AH, AL34-14B321-FA, 6S6T 14B056 LB, 5S4T 14B056 AD, 7E53 14B321 BD, G1B5-14B321-AC, DV4T 14B321 EB, BR33-14B321-AE, AS7T 14B321 AC, AB39-14B321-BH, EG13-14B321-BA, BK2T-14B321-AF, DM5T 14B321 EF, CN15-14B321-CE, F2GT 14B321 AD, 9L84-14B321-AJ, FL1T-14B321-BB, BL14-14B321-AC, AL34-14B321-GA, 6S6T 14B056 LC, 6M2T 14B056 AC, 7E53 14B321 BE, J7BT-14B321-AB, DV4T 14B321 ED, BR33-14B321-AF, BR33-14B321-AE, AB39-14B321-BJ, HG13-14B321-AA, BK2T-14B321-AG, DM5T 14B321 EG, CN15-14B321-CF, F2GT 14B321 BD, 9L84-14B321-AK, JL1T-14B321-BA, DB5T-14B321-AD, AL54-14B321-AC, 8V51 14B321 AC, 6N4T 14B321 AA, 8E53 14B321 BD, J7BT-14B321-AC, DV4T 14B321 EE, DR33-14B321-AA, BS7T 14B321 AC, AB39-14B321-CE, BK2T-14B321-BA, DM5T 14B321 EH, CN15-14B321-DE, G2GT 14B321 CC,9L84-14B321-AL, JL1T-14B321-BB, DB5T-14B321-AE, AL54-14B321-AD, 8V51 14B321 AH, 8M5T 14B321 AE, 8E53 14B321 BE, J7BT-14B321-AD, DV4T 14B321 EF, DR33-14B321-AB, BS7T 14B321 AD, AB39-14B321-CF, BK2T-14B321-BB, DM5T 14B321 EJ, CN15-14B321-DF, G2GT 14B321 CD, 9M64-14B321-CK, JL1T-14B321-CA, DB5T-14B321-AF, BB5T-14B321-AD, 8V51 14B321 BC, 8M5T 14B321 BD, 8E53-14B321-AE, J7BT-14B321-CB, GV4T 14B321 AB, DR33-14B321-AC, KS7T 14B321 CC, AB39-14B321-DE, BK2T-14B321-BC, DM5T 14B321 EK,DN1T-14B321-EC, GN15-14B321-GJ, 9M64-14B321-CL, JL1T-14B321-CB, DB5T-14B321-AG, BC3T-14B321-AA, 8V51 14B321 BF, 8M5T 14B321 BE, 9E51 14B321 BA, J7BT-14B321-FB, GV4T 14B321 AC, FR3T-14B321-AA, AB39-14B321-DF, BK2T-14B321-BD, DM5T 14B321 RA,DN1T-14B321-ED, GN15-14B321-JC, AL64-14B321-AB, LB5T-14B321-PA, EB5T-14B321-AA, BC3T-14B321-AB, 8V51 14B321 BG, 8M5T 14B321 BF, 9E53 14B321 BK, J7BT-14B321-GB, GV4T 14B321 BC, FR3T-14B321-AF, AB39-14B321-EC, BK2T-14B321-BE, DM5T 14B321 SA, GN15-14B321-AF, H2GT 14B321 AA, AL84-14B321-AB, LL1T-14B321-AA, EB5T-14B321-AB, BC3T-14B321-BA, 8V51 14B321 BO, 8S43 14B321 BE, BE53-14B321-BB, YS5T 14B056 CA, GV4T 14B321 DC, FR3T-14B321-AJ, AB39-14B321-EF, BK2T-14B321-BF, DM5T 14B321 SA, GN15-14B321-BA, H2GT 14B321 AB, AM64-14B321-CB, LL1T-14B321-CA, EB5T-14B321-BA, BC3T-14B321-BB, 8V51 14B321 BQ, 8S43 14B321 CA, BE53-14B321-BC, YS5T 14B056 DA, GV4T 14B321 DD, GR3T-14B321-AA, AB39-14B321-FA, BK2T-14B321-BG, F1CT 14B321 RB,GN15-14B321-BB, H2GT 14B321 BB, BE53-14B321-BC, GB5T-14B321-AC, BC3T-14B321-DA, 8V51 14B321 CC, 8S43 14B321 CB, BE53-14B321-BD, 285 001 398, GR3T-14B321-DC, AB39-14B321-FB, BK3T-14B321-AA, F1CT 14B321 RC, GN15-14B321-BC, H2GT 14B321 EA, BL34-14B321-AB, HB5T-14B321-AA, BC3T-14B321-DH, 8V51 14B321 CG, 98AG 14B056 ACF,BE53-14B321-EB, 285 001 399, GR3T-14B321-DE, AB39-14B321-GA, BK3T-14B321-AB, F1CT 14B321 RD, GN15-14B321-BJ, K2GT 14B321 HB, BL34-14B321-AC, HB5T-14B321-BA, BC3T-14B321-LB, 8V51 14B321 EA, 98AG 14B056 AF, BE53-14B321-EC, 285 001 492, GR3T-14B321-DF, AB39-14B321-GB, BK3T-14B321-AC, F1CT 14B321 RE, GN15-14B321-CF,K2GT-14B321-EB, BL34-14B321-AD, BC3T-14B321-MA, 8V51 14B321 ED, 9E53 14B321 BK, BE53-14B321-ED, 285 001 494, HR3T-14B321-AA, AL34-14B321-AB, BK3T-14B321-AD, 285 001 417, GN15-14B321-CH, K2GT-14B321-EC, BL34-14B321-GB, BC3T-14B321-MB, 8V51 14B321 EE, 9M5T 14B321 AA, DS7T 14B321 CF, 285 001 494, JR3T-14B321-CA, AL54-14B321-AB, BK3T-14B321-BB, 285 001 452, GN15-14B321-DF, 285 014 916, BL84-14b321-AA, BL34-14B321-DE, 8V51 14B321 FD, 9M5T 14B321 AE, DS7T-14B321-AF, JR3T-14B321-CB, AL54-14B321-AC, CK4T-14B321-AD, 285 001 452, GN15-14B321-DG, 285 014 918, BL84-14B321-AB, BL34-14B321-EE, 8V51 14B321 FE, 9M5T 14B321 BA, DS7T-14B321-BB, JR3T-14B321-FA, AL84-14B321-AD, CK4T-14B321-AF, 285 001 551, GN15-14B321-GF, 285 014 700, BL84-14b321-AC, BL34-14B321-F5, 96FG 14B056 CB, 9M5T 14B321 BB, DS7T-14B321-CE, EB3T-14B321-BE, CK4T-14B321-CF, 285 001 551, GN15-14B321-GG, 285 014 110, BL84-14B321-AD, BL34-14B321-FA, 96FG 14B056 CC, 9S43 14B321 CA, DS7T-14B321-EB, EB3T-14B321-BF, CK4T-14B321-CG, 285 001 847, GN15-14B321-GH, 285 013 970, BM64 14B321 CA, BL34-14B321-FB, 97FG 14B056 DB, 9S43 14B321 CB, ES7T 14B321 AA, EB3T-14B321-EF, CK4T-14B321-CO, 285 010 568, GN15-14B321-GJ, 285 013 547, BM64 14B321 CB, BL34-14B321-FC, 97FG 14B056 DF, 9S43 14B321 CC, ES7T 14B321 AB, EB3T-14B321-EG, CK4T-14B321-DF, 285 010 642, GN15-14B321-GK, 285 014 160, CJ5T 14B321 AF, BL34-14B321-GA, AA6T 14B321 AA, BM5T 14B321 BE, HS7T 14B321 AE, EB3T-14B321-FF, CK4T-14B321-DG, 285 010 688, GN15-14B321-KB, 285 013 671, CJ5T 14B321 AG, CL34-14B321-AB, AA6T 14B321 BA, BM5T 14B321 BF, HS7T 14B321 AF, EB3T-14B321-FG, CK4T-14B321-DJ, 285 010 825, GN15-14B321-KC, 285 013 223, CJ5T 14B321 AH, CL34-14B321-BB, AA6T 14B321 CA, BM5T 14B321 CA, HS7T 14B321 AG, JB3T-14B321-AD, DT1T-14B321-AE, 285 010 929, GN15-14B321-KD, 285 013 767, EV02-57K3X, CL34-14B321-BF, AA6T 14B321 EA, BM5T 14B321 CD, HS7T 14B321 AH, JB3T-14B321-AE, DT1T-14B321-AF, 285 011 892, GN15-14B321-LA, 285 012 791, EV03-57K3X, CL34-14B321-CF, AA6T 14B321 FA, BM5T 14B321 CE, HS7T 14B321 AK, JB3T-14B321-BD, DT1T-14B321-AG, 285 010 936, GN15-14B321-LB, 285 013 974, FJ5T 14B321 AA, DC3T-14B321-DC, AE83-14B321-AB, BM5T 14B321 CF, LS7T 14B321 FA, JB3T-14B321-BE, DT1T-14B321-DE, 285 010 928, GN15-14B321-LC, 285 013 766, FJ5T 14B321 AB, DL34-14B321-AC, AE83-14B321-AC, CM5T 14B321 AE, 285 015 042, JB3T-14B321-DD, DT1T-14B321-DF, 285 011 701, GN15-14B321-LD, 285 012 941, GJ5T 14B321, DL34-14B321-BC, AE83-14B321-AD, CM5T 14B321 AF, 285 015 141, JB3T-14B321-DE, DT1T-14B321-DG, 285 012 680, LN15-14B321-BB, 285 010 630, GJ5T-14B321-AC, DL34-14B321-CA, AE83-14B321-AE, CM5T 14B321 AF, 285 014 870, KB3T-14B321-BD, DT1T-14B321-DJ, 285 013 139, 285 010 352, GJ5T-14B321-AE, DL3Z-14B321-B, AE83-14B321-AF, CM5T 14B321 BA, 285 014 504, UH81 57 K30 A, DT1T-14B321-FF, 285 011 578, 285 010 370, LJ6T 14B321 RB, FL3T-14B321-AD, AE83-14B321-AG, CM5T 14B321 CA, 285 013 830, UH81 57 K30 C, DT1T-14B321-GE, 285 011 577, 285 010 394, 285 011 597, FL3T-14B321-BA, AE83-14B321-AH, DM5T 14B321 HE, 285 013 688, UH81 57 K30 D, DT1T-14B321-GG, 285 011 577, 285 010 370, 285 012 098, FL3T-14B321-BC, AE83-14B321-AJ, DM5T 14B321 LC, 285 013 141, UR56 57 K30, DT1T-14B321-HE, 285 011 998, 285 001 789, 285 012 641, FL3T-14B321-BD, AE83-14B321-EB, DM5T 14B321 SA, 285 012 258, UR56 57 K30A, DT1T-14B321-HF, 285 013 268, 285 012 260, HC3T-14B321-BE, AE83-14B321-EC, F1ET 14B321 AB, 285 012 207, UR56 57 K30B, DT1T-14B321-HG, 285 014 136, 285 013 135, HC3T-14B321-BF, AE83-14B321-ED, F1ET 14B321 CB, 285 010 733, UR58 57 K30, DT1T-14B321-KE, 285 014 554, 285 014 109, HL3T-14B321-AC, AV1T 14B321 CE, F1ET 14B321 CC, 285 012 050, UR58 57 K30, A DT1T-14B321-KG, 285 012 835, JL3T-14B321-AA, AV1T 14B321 CF, G1ET 14B321 AC, 285 011 595, UR58 57 K30 B, ET76-14B321-AF, 285 014 979, JL3T-14B321-AJ, BC3T-14B321-AC, G1ET 14B321 AD, 285 014 131, UR63 57 K30, ET76-14B321-AG, 285 014 595, JL3T-14B321-CB, BC3T-14B321-LA, G1ET 14B321 GC, UR63 57 K30A,ET76-14B321-DF, JL3T-14B321-DA, C1BT-14B321 AD, G1ET 14B321 GD, UR63 57 K30B, GK29 14B321 AC, LC3T-14B321-AD, C1BT-14B321-AA, G1ET 14B321 HB, UR81 57 K30, GK2T-14B321-AC, LC3T-14B321-AY, C1BT-14B321-AB, G1ET 14B321 HC, UR87 57 K30, GK2T-14B321-BC, C1BT-14B321-AC, H1ET 14B321 DB, GK3T-14B321-AC, C1BT-14B321-AE, JX7T 14B321 BD, GK4T-14B321-AC, C1BT-14B321-AF, JX7T-14B321-BC, JK2T-14B321-AF, C1BT-14B321-AG, KX7T 14B321 BB, JK2T-14B321-AH, C1BT-14B321-AH, YS4T 14B056 AA, JK2T-14B321-AJ, C1BT-14B321-BA, YS4T 14B056 BA, JK2T-14B321-BF, C1BT-14B321-BB, YS4T 14B056 CA, JK2T-14B321-BH, C1BT-14B321-BC, YS4T 14B056 DA, JK2T-14B321-BJ, C1BT-14B321-BD, 285 001 397, JK2T-14B321-CA, C1BT-14B321-BE, 285 001 395, KK3T-14B321-AC, C1BT-14B321-BF, 285 001 396, KT1T-14B321-AA, C1BT-14B321-BG, 285 001 394, KT1T-14B321-AB, C1BT-14B321-BH, 285 014 851, KT1T-14B321-DB, C1BT-14B321-CA, 285 014 194, KT1T-14B321-DD, C1BT-14B321-CB, 285 013 473, KT1T-14B321-GD, C1BT-14B321-CD, 285 013 446, KT1T-14B321-KD, C1BT-14B321-CE, 285 014 115, LK4T-14B321-BE, C1BT-14B321-CF, 285 013 445, LT1T-14B321-AA, C1BT-14B321-CG, 285 013 714, LT1T-14B321-KA, C1BT-14B321-CH, 285 013 444, C1BT-14B321-ED, 285 014 135, C1BT-14B321-FA, 285 012 708, C1BT-14B321-FB, 285 014 129, C1BT-14B321-FC, 285 011 993, C1BT-14B321-FD, 285 011 995, C1BT-14B321-FE, 285 011 577, C1BT-14B321-FF, 285 011 147, C1BT-14B321-FG, 285 011 841, C1BT-14B321-FH, 285 011 126, CM5T-14B321-AF, 285 011 301, CN15-14B321-BD, 285 011 131, D2BT-14B321-AC, 285 011 079, D2BT-14B321-AD, 285 010 977, D2BT-14B321-AE, 285 010 930, D2BT-14B321-AF, 285 010 930, D2BT-14B321-BC, 285 010 826, D2BT-14B321-BD, 285 010 931, D2BT-14B321-BE, 285 010 931, D2BT-14B321-BF, 285 010 719, D2BT-14B321-GA, 285 010 629, D3BT-14B321-AB, 285 010 353, D3BT-14B321-AD, 285 010 889, D3BT-14B321-AE, 285 010 699, D3BT-14B321-AF, 285 010 687, D3BT-14B321-BD, 285 010 889, D3BT-14B321-BE, 285 010 700, D3BT-14B321-CD, 285 001 248, E3B5-14B321-AC, 285 001 249, E3B5-14B321-CD, 285 010 395, F7BT-14B321-BB, 285 010 396, G2BT-14B321-BB, 285 010 371, G2BT-14B321-HA, 285 010 641, H1BT-14B321-AA, 285 010 567, H1BT-14B321-AB, 285 010 030, H1BT-14B321-AC, 285 010 031, H1BT-14B321-AD, 285 010 165, H1BT-14B321-AE, 285 001 679, H1BT-14B321-AF, 285 001 555, H1BT-14B321-AG, 285 001 552, H1BT-14B321-AH, 285 001 552, H1BT-14B321-AJ, 285 001 552, H1BT-14B321-BA, 285 001 551, H1BT-14B321-BB, 285 001 425, H1BT-14B321-BC, 285 001 424, JK2T-14B321-AG, 285 001 426, JK2T-14B321-BG, YS4T 14B056 AA, YS6T 14B056 AC, YS6T 14B056 AD, YS6T 14B056 BC, YS6T 14B056 BD, NC3T-14B321-AA
Step 1
After purchase, carefully remove the unit from your vehicle.At this time please take pictures of your unit for your records. (This is to help in the case it gets damaged or scratched up)
Step 2
Securely pack your unit, using a suitable box so that your unit will not get damaged during shipment. Include the following Information:- Your Name
- Return Address
- Contact Phone Number
- Description of Issues with your unit
- Vehicle Year, Make, and Model
- LED COLOR (if you are purchasing a service that includes LEDs)
Step 3
(At Your Expense) Send Your Unit To:Automotive Circuit Solutions
10 Honeysuckle Rd
Marshfield, MO 65706
Step 4.
When we receive the unit. We will inspect, repair and send it back within 24 hours of receiving it.At Automotive Circuit Solutions, we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch service and expertise. Here’s why you should choose us:
- Expert Technicians: Our team consists of highly skilled technicians with years of experience in diagnosing and repairing instrument clusters.
- Quality Parts: We use only the highest quality parts to ensure your vehicle’s reliability and longevity.
- Customer Satisfaction: We are committed to providing exceptional customer service and ensuring your complete satisfaction with every repair.
- Affordable Pricing: We offer competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of our services.
- Quick Turnaround: We understand the importance of getting your vehicle back on the road promptly. Our efficient processes ensure a quick turnaround time.
Trust Automotive Circuit Solutions for all your instrument cluster repair needs. We’re here to keep your vehicle running smoothly and safely!
The airbag control module for my Ford Fusion started acting funny and threw a false crash-data code despite there being no accidents or damage with the vehicle. The technician I spoke to over the phone was great and helpful with the questions I had. I sent out my module and it arrived back promptly and fixed. No unnecessary diagnostic fees and dealership part-markups, versus if I'd had gone to Ford directly. Money saved, headaches gone, and very happy overall! Will happily recommend to others!
Great srs service
Yeah code is gone, good job guys
Fast turn around, cleared codes in vehicles ECM with scanner works great no SRS lamp.